About us - Harrison Building Services

Harrison Building Services - 07786 213217

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About us

What we are about.
At Harrison Building Services we believe that by you redesigning your property to suit your current requirements, it is really a redistribution of wealth, to help improve your lifestyle within an environment known to you.
Harrison Building Services offer a fair price for any work we are asked to supply a quotation for, and will not under any circumstances cut corners on any work we carry out, and will commit to giving you what you require for the agreed price.
No matter whether or not you ask us to quote for work to be carried out, remember that we are a long standing successful business, and not a fly by night business that charges more than is required to carry out the work, then run away.
We are, and always have been here for the long haul, and as such have been in the building trade for the past twenty years as of Feb 2025, mostly working for myself under the heading of Harrison Building Services.
Most of our work is not from advertisements but from recommendations, as such we do not ever cold call for work or advertise as such. You the customer have to invite us to supply a quotation, that way we know you are genuine. It is very much a door that swings both ways, you trust us and we trust you. We are more than happy to show pictures of some of the jobs we have carried out, and am not under any circumstances trying to convince you that you need us by talking and convincing you, our work pictures tell many stories.
If you require the work to be carried out but have very little money you may wish to change the design or ideas that you have, before committing to any work.
We would also suggest that you do not under any circumstances be tempted to cut corners and standards by looking only at the lowest price for the work you require to be carried out, If you do you may end up paying twice. Always look at any work the “trades person” has carried out in the past and satisfy yourself that the workmanship and price is what you are after. Do NOT rely on so called trade sites that say this or that person has done what they say they can do. Look for pictures and ask questions, but ensure as far as you can that the work shown is genuinely the work of the company in question.
If however you want to have a cheap, cut the corners type of job carried out where almost certainly there will be mistakes made, with work not up to the recognised building standards of the UK please look for a DIY type handyman/person that thinks carrying out the work does not require a lot of skills or knowledge.
Normally the person that is unsure of the correct building procedures will go to great lengths to convince you that they know all methods required and will carry out the work in a proper manner whilst covering all legal requirements.
If this is the type of work you require, then we most certainly are not the people for you. Just remember this old saying, pay cheap pay twice. Do not be tempted by the person who has to convince you they can carry out your work better and cheaper than tradespeople.
The following is something we have seen in a business office, which made me chuckle, but reminds us all of what has been mentioned above.
The common wisdom in project work and the service and freelance industry is that you can only choose ONE of the following three options for a service:
Good, Fast, or Cheap:
Good, --- fast: Usually expensive
Good, --- cheap: Usually slow
Fast, --- cheap: Usually low quality
All three factors are relative and depend on your target customers' perception of what's valuable.
For example, if you want a cheap product that is good quality, it will take more time to deliver. Similarly, if a company is producing a cheap product, fast, good quality is out of the question.

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