Black Mould - Harrison Building Services

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Black Mould

Damp etc
Black mould treatment
Mould can be an extremely dangerous substance to have around your property, and is a class1 hazard to health, which brings it into the same category as asbestosis, and as such it requires to be treated in a respectful and safe manner.
Any items we remove from the property are treated and disposed of as hazardous waste and should be treated before removal from the property.
Even though mould problems can be hazardous to health, there is no requirement to push a fair price up just to make the work look more serious than it is. As per all hazardous work if it is carried out with respect and in the correct manner, there is little danger to anyone. We only trade at a fair price based upon time and materials used.
Think of your property as a living place, it breathes when there is ventilation and if you close off the ventilation it will suffocate in moisture and condensation, this will be made worse with cooking, and people/animals breathing. If you combine this with heating being reduced due to higher energy costs the condensation in a cold property will increase due to a high humidity within the property, much the same as a high temperature will cause. If you experience any mould or damp problems do not hesitate to call us and we can advise and help you cure the causes and sort out the problems caused.
Our prices are fair, and our workmanship is of a high quality, if you wish to pay a ridiculously cheap price, please do not hesitate to contact a local jobbing builder, however, be aware that if you pay cheap you certainly will pay twice.
Whilst carrying out building work, we often find a lot of black mould behind old kitchen and bathroom units. We can eradicate these problems at the same time as carrying out the normal building work as required.
If you wish we can treat the areas behind the units as a precautionary measure before refitting the new units.
Often the mould is not noticed until we remove units and as you would appreciate, we at Harrison Building Services cannot quote the treatment in the original price. Therefore, any mould treatment carried out will incur a small increase in the final price.
Even though mould problems can be hazardous to health, there is no requirement to push a fair price up just to make the work look more serious than it is. As per all hazardous work if it is carried out with respect and in the correct manner, there is little danger to anyone. We only trade at a fair price based upon time and materials used.
We do not scaremonger or play upon your fears we just sort out the problem.
Aspergillus niger
Black mould spore.
Rising Damp
Rising damp.
Condensation Mould
Mould caused by condensation
in a bathroom.
More bathroom pictures
Another picture of mould
caused by poor ventilation.
Mould behind a wardrobe
Mould hidden behind a
wardrobe against an outside wall.
Cold bridging
Mould caused by cold bridging.
The following link will take you to Staffordhire website where you can find out about different levels and risks relating to hazards to health Click Here
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